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View of I&I, CYLINDER, Seoul, KR
photo © Myungeun Chun

〈아야나이〉 I&I, 2023, oil on canvas, 91×138cm
Presented in I&I, CYLINDER, Seoul, KR
photo © Myungeun Chun

〈마지막 인사〉 The Last Farewell, 2023, oil on canvas, 45.5×38cm
Presented in I&I, CYLINDER, Seoul, KR
photo © Myungeun Chun

〈얼굴〉 Face, 2023, oil on canvas, ea.53×33cm
Presented in I&I, CYLINDER, Seoul, KR
photo © Myungeun Chun

〈둘이서〉 Two Men, 2023, oil on canvas, ea.72.5×91cm
Presented in I&I, CYLINDER, Seoul, KR
photo © Myungeun Chun

〈내 몸에 난 구멍〉 A Hole in My Body, 2023, oil on canvas, 145.5×89cm
Presented in I&I, CYLINDER, Seoul, KR
photo © Myungeun Chun

〈산불 아래에서〉 Under a Forest Fire, 2023, oil and imitation gilding wax on canvas, 89×145.5cm
Presented in I&I, CYLINDER, Seoul, KR
photo © Myungeun Chun

〈별들〉 The stars, 2023, acrylic on carved wood, 27.3×41cm each, variable installation
Presented in Framer, Shower, Seoul , KR and presented in Whispering noise, N/A, KR
1st photo © Euirock Lee, 2nd and 3rd photo © Jinhyuk Oh 



〈키스〉 The Kiss, 2023, oil on canvas, 90.8×65cm
Presented in Framer, Shower, Seoul , KR
photo © Euirock Lee

L 〈바닥 핥기〉 Licking the floor, 2023, oil on canvas, 72.5×53cm
R 〈하나 그리고 둘〉 One and two, 2023, oil on canvas, 72.7×90.8cm
Presented in Framer, Shower, Seoul , KR
photo © Euirock Lee

R: 〈꽃은 꽃이 아니다〉 A Flower is not a flower, 2023, oil and acrylic on plaster, ea. 90×60cm
Presented in Beings Swimming Backstroke Towards the Waterfall, PS333, Seoul, KR

View of The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Nam-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul , KR, curated by Jisoo Park
photo © Sangtae Kim

View of The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Nam-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul , KR
photo © Sangtae Kim

〈돌에도 숭고함이 있다면〉 If there’s sublime in stone, 2023, resin, glass gem, 23×21×30cm
Presented in The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Nam-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul , KR
photo © Sangtae Kim

〈머리 아래로〉 From the bottom of your head, 2023, plaster, resin, aluminum, feather, acrylic ball, imitation pearl, baked wire, and other mixed media, 250×63×80cm
Presented in The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Nam-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul , KR
photo © Sangtae Kim

〈검은 꽃들은 노래하지 않는다 넘버. 8〉 Black flowers do not sing no.8, 2023, electric wire, feather, electrical plug and outlet and mixed media, dimensions variable 
Presented in The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Nam-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul , KR
photo © Sangtae Kim

〈검은 꽃들은 노래하지 않는다 넘버. 7〉 Black flowers do not sing no.8, 2023, iron propeller, baked wire, resin, feather, silicone and mixed media, dimensions variable(height approx. 170cm) 
Presented in The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Nam-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul , KR
photo © Sangtae Kim

〈작은 동굴〉 A small cave, 2023, spray paint on resin, 210×48×39cm
Presented in The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Nam-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul , KR and presented in Whispering noise, N/A, KR
photo © Sangtae Kim

〈글로리 홀〉 Glory Hole, 2023, iron, aluminum, resin, wood ball, glass ball, baked wire, feather and other mixed media, 50×94×40cm
Presented in The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Nam-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul , KR 
photo © Sangtae Kim

© 2023 Leesop Cho. All rights reserved.