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〈누런 빛, 눈물과 빌려온 기억들〉 Yellow light, tears and borrowed memories, 2024, printed photograph wrapped in cotton tape, acrylic and aluminum frame, glasses and mixed media, dimensions variable(H125×W103mm)
Presented in PRPT: Vault Service, LES 601 Seongsu, Seoul, KR
photo ©Eon Yang

H.I.G 2, 2024, mixed media on paper(collage), 43×40cm
Presented in PRPT: Vault Service, LES 601 Seongsu, Seoul, KR
photo ©Eon Yang

〈마주 볼 수 없는 빛과 그림자〉 Unopposable light and shadow, 2024, chromium ink, oil on canvas, imitation crystals on painted wood frames, 32×32cm
Presented in PRPT: Vault Service, LES 601 Seongsu, Seoul, KR
photo ©Eon Yang

View of Sad Captions: Everything Has Been Washed Away; I Can Only Write 'Sad'..., SeMA Bunker, Seoul, KR, curated by Eunha Chang
photo ©Janghwal Lim

〈얼굴〉 Face, 2024, oil on canvas, 53×33cm
Presented in Sad Captions: Everything Has Been Washed Away; I Can Only Write 'Sad'..., SeMA Bunker, Seoul, KR

photo ©Janghwal Lim

〈얼굴〉 Face, 2024, oil on canvas, 53×33cm
Presented in Sad Captions: Everything Has Been Washed Away; I Can Only Write 'Sad'..., SeMA Bunker, Seoul, KR

〈얼굴〉 Face, 2024, oil on canvas, 53×33cm
Presented in Sad Captions: Everything Has Been Washed Away; I Can Only Write 'Sad'..., SeMA Bunker, Seoul, KR

〈얼굴〉 Face, 2024, oil on canvas, 30×30cm
Presented in Sad Captions: Everything Has Been Washed Away; I Can Only Write 'Sad'..., SeMA Bunker, Seoul, KR

〈얼굴〉 Face, 2024, oil on canvas, 60.5×45.5cm
Presented in Sad Captions: Everything Has Been Washed Away; I Can Only Write 'Sad'..., SeMA Bunker, Seoul, KR

photo ©Janghwal Lim

〈얼굴〉 Face, 2024, oil on canvas, 24.5×33cm
Presented in Sad Captions: Everything Has Been Washed Away; I Can Only Write 'Sad'..., SeMA Bunker, Seoul, KR

photo ©Janghwal Lim

View of Whispering noise, N/A, Seoul, KR
photo ©Jinhyuk Oh

〈어둠 속의 댄서〉 Dancer in the dark, 2024, oil, chrome ink on canvas, 145×179cm
Presented in Whispering noise, N/A, Seoul , KR 
photo © Jinhyuk Oh

〈검은 그림자〉 Black shadow, 2024, oil on canvas, 90.5×72.5cm
Presented in Whispering noise, N/A, Seoul , KR
photo © Jinhyuk Oh

〈그리고〉 And, 2024, oil on canvas, 116.5×164cm
Presented in Whispering noise, N/A, Seoul , KR
photo © Jinhyuk Oh

〈얼굴〉 Face, 2024, oil on canvas, 72.5×60.5cm
Presented in Whispering noise, N/A, Seoul , KR
photo © Jinhyuk Oh

〈새와 소년〉 A bird and a boy, 2024, resin, iron, silicone and mixed media, 24×55×160cm
Presented in Whispering noise, N/A, Seoul , KR
photo © Jinhyuk Oh

〈검은 거울〉 Black mirror, 2024, resin, plaster, 90×60cm
Presented in Whispering noise, N/A, Seoul , KR
photo © Jinhyuk Oh

© 2023 Leesop Cho. All rights reserved.